Jan. 20th - , 2008
The sad departure of our children; Elyse, Greg and son, Hayden, was softened a bit with the arrival the next day of our good KJ friends, Jim, Darda and Ray, who were joining us for the adventure south to Zihautanejo.
First things being first, we needed to provision and also make sure our friends had a chance to see some of the local color. La Cruz de Huanacaxtle provided that color, with the blessing of the fleet! Many of the local fishing boats were decked out in baloons, streamers, and (yes) fireworks for the parade/event. Like many of the good fireworks displays in Mexico, something will probably go wrong and, sure enough, not long after firing off a few of the fireworks, the entire crew of the boat dove overboard! Seems the inventory decided to go off prematurely! Oops. Well, it was still fun!
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