Oct 31st - Nov. 3rd: Yes, too many places and too little time. Our Baja adventures started last season (April '07) when we sailed from Puerto Vallarta to Agua Verde. Agua Verde is one of those post card settings that finds it's way onto the covers of many Baja books and articles. This picture again doesn't do justice.
This time, we arrived from Isla Carmen, requiring only 25 miles of sailing vs. 500. Much nicer. The anchorage was as beautiful as ever with the only challenge being swell that was coming in strong into the harbor askew of the wind direction. That puts the boat at an odd angle to the waves and can make for an uncomfortable stay. We still enjoyed ourselves, kayaked around, went for a run ashore, before heading out.
Puerto El Gato, named
At El Gato, we met a local fisherman, Manuel, who caught us lobster (yum!) and had some shrimp from a shrimper who had spent the night at his village. We slept well after a great meal that night. Next morning Manuel returned asking for change for a large denomination mexican bill, which we helped him out with. Seems we found out later it was counterfeit! Live and learn. We don't believe he was printing the stuff, but likely got stuck with it and could ill afford to keep it. Net, we have the old maid!
Last stop on the Baja peninsula was San Evaristo, a small town about 65 miles north of La Paz. We swam, snorkled, ran and hiked. Too much to do there and not enough time. Humm. A familiar story.
At 12:30 pm, Saturday the 3rd, we hoisted the anchor and pointed towards Mazatlan, 255 miles away. Can't wait to get there!
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