May 25th thru June 4th, 2005. So we bought the boat! What an awesome feeling! A dream of a lifetime materializes in Honduras. Only problem ... Honduras is in the hurricane zone and the hurricane season starts June 1st. We need to get the boat south to Panama where it'll be safe from hurricanes.

Sure enough, for the first time in recent memory a hurricane forms in the Eastern Pacific in May and decides to go backwards towards Central America and Honduras! They don't do that! Well they do and you'd better do something about it. We notified the boatyard, who spent a good deal of effort securing boats in place. Fortunately, the storm fizzled before making it across Honduras so we were safe!

We left Honduras on the 28th of May, headed east towa

rds the

Cabo Gracias a Dios, then south through the Meskito channel to Panama.
As noted from the pictures of Lloyd (to the left) and Ron(to the right), there was a bit of rain on occassion. Great for keeping the crew cool and odor free!
A beautiful sail and for the most, taking us to Bocas del Toro, Panama. Nothing shor

t of a spectacularly beautiful location.
Diane, to the right, is on the bow checking to make sure the last 2 miles of the reef lined entrance, don't detract from what has been a wonderful sail.
We arrived there, 640 miles from La Ceiba, in only 100 hours, or just over 4 days. A great preview of what our boat can do.
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